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The modern interpretation of rhetoric is a benefit offer, the basis of which is equal, Write my essay human communication. This is a healthy balance required by the " WHAT is said" over to " LIKE " something is said.

Because if we assume that 80% of successful communication is created via the relationship level between sender and recipient, it is worth taking a look at the basic ingredients and the options for actively shaping them.

The " rhetorical triangle " serves as the basis, on which the tension between communication is balanced:

Self-blaming, noticeably dissatisfied, top athlete Tommy Haas talked to himself during the break at the 2007 Australian Open. Annoyed and frustrated by his performance so far, the tennis professional built up audibly. The microphones recorded every sentence and so anyone can still follow the course of self-talk on YouTube. Ultimately, Tommy Haas won the match. Because language can do that. With an active word awareness, you can not only control your well-being, but also that of others.

Likely, you have already been positively influenced. You are sure to have people around you whose environment you feel very comfortable in, and that is partly due to their language.

But you probably also know people who you find exhausting. After talking to them, you feel exhausted or pessimistic. It mostly has to do with the way these people represent things.

But how do you manage to make people feel positive or to steer them in a certain direction?

Empathy plays a very crucial role. But not everyone has strong empathy - so here are a few tips :

  • Put yourself in each other's thoughts.

  • Try to explain your wishes, goals, resistances, worries, fears, etc. to yourself

  • Use similar words as your counterpart. That creates trust and a feeling of togetherness.

  • Ask questions.

  • Find and name common ground.

  • Learn to be silent and to listen.

The best way to clarify the controversial points of view, i.e. often personal matters, is confidential in a one-to-one conversation.

Make it clear what it is about. “I understand you were upset. But there was something wrong with the way you attacked me. It is important to me that we treat people with respect. "

Never grumble behind someone else's back. Letting off steam in the form of blasphemy should also be taboo in any case. We initiate clarifying discussions by addressing the issue. To improve your communication in conflict situations, Do my essay ask yourself the following questions:


We experience statements and lectures in which boredom moves like a fog in the room. The listeners get tired and switch off. With graphic comparisons, such as B. "The speech is a tower under the spoken words", the audience is guaranteed to think along. Eloquence works!

Pictures and comparisons have retained their descriptive power to this day and increase your fluency.

For this reason alone, it makes sense and pleasure that we deal with the effect of the graphic comparisons of our language skills.

“A speaker without an audience is like a fish without water.” And sometimes a subordinate clause from the speech becomes a seed of fertile thoughts for the listener, who otherwise only dozed off. A French diplomat and "ghostwriter" of ministers said:

“The audience should never say: Oh, how clever the speaker is - we didn't understand anything. The audience has to say: Oh, how smart we are, we understood everything. "

For inspiration, here are comparisons from the animal world

“Not everything is for the cat!” Practice! They think someone is "a camel or a goose". Do we think someone is “thieving as a magpie”, accuse someone of “being comfortable as a cuckoo” or “sticking his head in the sand like an ostrich”? We would like to be able to slide along “like an eagle” or “withdraw into the burrow like a fox”? We admire the "speed of the rabbit", "nimble as a weasel", the "thick-skinned elephant", the "industriousness of the ant", the "industriousness of the bee". Let's collect new, also amusing impressions: Anyone who is “hardworking like a bee”, “has strength like a bull”, “works like a horse”, “is tired like a dog in the evening” should go to the vet because maybe it is he even "a camel".


So that your language becomes broader and your eloquence grows, let the observation of comparisons become your hobby and perceive your surroundings as nimble as a lynx.

Write down the comparisons that are respectful, funny, or have some other effect. Then you will generate more and more creative images from your linguistic cylinder like a magician and captivate your listeners.

Communication skills are useful, effective, conscious, and creative. Comprehensible communication is necessary in today's professional world. Be it in discussions with colleagues, negotiations with partners, or convincing with a speech. In the following, we have listed and explained different situations and suitable tips and exercises to increase your eloquence:


We can train to communicate confidently in the sense of quick-wittedness. There are many techniques and methods, all of which have a common basis: They have to be quickly available in the respective situation, quickly accessible.

"You have probably eaten the wisdom with a spoon?" Or "Do you always deduce from yourself to others?" Are quick-witted answers, but are more likely to be assigned to the category of offensive phrases. In this way, you attack the other person and the conversation will likely end abruptly.


It is more effective to ask questions and thus put your counterpart under pressure. For example, counter statements such as “But you are not particularly cooperative” with a question: “Interesting, how did you come to this point of view?”. In this way, you leave the level of justification, gain a respite, and can lead the conversation constructively.

Confirmation Technique

You can also take the wind out of the sails of your conversation partner with the confirmation technique. For this, you stand by what your counterpart accuses you. The prerequisite, however, is that you have not been attacked personally and that what has been said does not aim below the belt. Anyone who replies to statements such as "You just want to sell me something" with a cheerful "Exactly, that's what I'm paid for" disarms the statement.

Positive rephrase

Positive rephrasing is another way of dealing with personal comments. To do this, you simply convert the negative into something positive. Your speech was too short/long and someone notices that? No problem, smile, and answer that you didn't want to bore/inform the audience.

Should allow the situation, you can also objections entirely reject or relaxed to the agenda pass. By doing this, you make it clear that you have taken note of the comment but deliberately did not get involved. A “thank you for your opinion” or “I will not comment on this allegation” is a suitable answer.

"Better ... (this) ... than ... (that)" method

With the "better ... (this) ... .than ... (that)" method, you score quickly. They take up the charge and realize that this is better than anything else.

An example: "Better a cut hairstyle than a cut character".

Unexpected reaction

One final option is to react unexpectedly. This means that you are purposely misunderstanding the attack. You just switch levels or you compliment. You are guaranteed to confuse your counterpart. It may even make you smile (by the way, Buy essay online jokes work similarly).

Convince, inspire, motivate

Do you want to win one or more people for your point of view in a dialogue or of speech? Do you want to lead the conversation and shine rhetorically?


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